Module PLFO

Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Relations.

Require Import util.
Require Import specification.
Require Import plf.
Require Import PL.


Interrupt-based checkpointing with failures, with checkpointing oracle. Non-deterministic in the way power-continuous sections get interrupted by power-loss interrupts.

PLFO execution states are PLF states, augmented with an checkpointing oracle.
Inductive state :=
| INIT : oracle -> state
| USR : oracle -> MCU.t -> DEV.t -> CHKPT.t -> state
| DRV : oracle -> MCU.t -> DEV.t -> LOG.t -> CHKPT.t -> state
| PWR : oracle -> CHKPT.t -> state
| OFF : oracle -> CHKPT.t -> state.

PLFO observable events are the same as in the PL intermediate model. The following notation is only here for readability.
Notation PLFOevent := PL.event
                        (only parsing).

Definition trace := list PLFOevent.

Transition relation.
Inductive step : state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
| sem_firstboot: forall oraclechk,
    step (INIT oraclechk)
         (USR oraclechk MCU.init DEV.init CHKPT.init)

| sem_usr: forall oraclechk mcu mcu' dev dev' chkpt t,
    forall (INSTR: SPEC.step (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Usr mcu dev)
                             (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Usr mcu' dev')),
      step (USR oraclechk mcu dev chkpt)
           (map PL.Op t)
           (USR oraclechk mcu' dev' chkpt)

| sem_enter: forall oraclechk mcu mcu' dev dev' chkpt chkpt' t l,
    forall (INSTR: SPEC.step (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Usr mcu dev)
                             (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Drv mcu' dev'))
           (RUNTIME1: CHKPT.saveNextMCU chkpt mcu = chkpt')
           (RUNTIME2: l = CHKPT.next_log chkpt),
      step (USR oraclechk mcu dev chkpt)
           (map PL.Op t)
           (DRV oraclechk mcu' dev' l chkpt')

| sem_drv: forall oc oraclechk mcu mcu' dev dev' l l' chkpt t,
    forall (INSTR: SPEC.step (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Drv mcu dev)
                             (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Drv mcu' dev'))
           (RUNTIME: LOG.log_ops l t l'),
      step (DRV (oc::oraclechk) mcu dev l chkpt)
           (if oc then (map PL.Op t) else [])
           (DRV (oc::oraclechk) mcu' dev' l' chkpt)

| sem_leave: forall oc oraclechk mcu mcu' dev dev' l chkpt chkpt' t,
    forall (INSTR: SPEC.step (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Drv mcu dev)
                             (SPEC.STATE SPEC.Usr mcu' dev'))
           (RUNTIME: CHKPT.saveNextLog chkpt l = chkpt'),
      step (DRV (oc :: oraclechk) mcu dev l chkpt)
           (if oc then ( PL.Op t ++ [PL.LogS]) else [])
           (USR (oc :: oraclechk) mcu' dev' chkpt')

| sem_pwr_usr: forall oraclechk mcu dev chkpt chkpt',
    forall (RUNTIME: CHKPT.saveNextMCU chkpt mcu = chkpt'),
      step (USR oraclechk mcu dev chkpt)
           (PWR oraclechk chkpt')

| sem_pwr_drv: forall oc oraclechk chkpt mcu dev l,
    step (DRV (oc :: oraclechk) mcu dev l chkpt)
         (if oc then [PL.LogF] else [])
         (PWR (oc :: oraclechk) chkpt)

| sem_chkpt_success: forall oraclechk chkpt chkpt',
    forall (RUNTIME: CHKPT.set chkpt = chkpt'),
      step (PWR (true::oraclechk) chkpt)
           (OFF oraclechk chkpt')

| sem_chkpt_failure: forall oraclechk chkpt,
    step (PWR (false::oraclechk) chkpt)
         (OFF oraclechk chkpt)

| sem_reboot: forall oraclechk chkpt dev mcu chkpt',
    forall (RUNTIME1: mcu = CHKPT.last_mcu chkpt)
           (RUNTIME2: dev = LOG.restore (CHKPT.last_log chkpt))
           (RUNTIME3: chkpt' = CHKPT.reset chkpt),
      step (OFF oraclechk chkpt)
           (USR oraclechk mcu dev chkpt')

| sem_usr_off: forall oraclechk mcu dev chkpt,
    step (USR (false::oraclechk) mcu dev chkpt)
         (OFF oraclechk chkpt)
| sem_drv_off: forall oraclechk chkpt mcu dev l,
    step (DRV (false::oraclechk) mcu dev l chkpt)
         (OFF oraclechk chkpt)

Trace semantics.
Definition sem (o: oracle)(t: list PL.event): Prop :=
  exists s, run step (INIT o) t s.