Module util

Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Relations.

Utilities for proof scripts

Ltac inv H := inversion H ; subst ; clear H.

Marking cases in proof scripts.
Definition CASE {A B C: Type} (s1:A) (t:B) (s2:C) := True.


The type of oracles, used to deal with non-determinism.
Definition oracle := list bool.

Miscellaneous semantics definitions

Reflexive-transitive closure of a stepping relation R.
Inductive run {A E : Type} (R : A -> list E -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : list E -> A -> Prop :=
  run_step : forall t y, R x t y -> run R x t y
| run_refl : run R x nil x
| run_trans : forall y z t1 t2, run R x t1 y -> run R y t2 z -> run R x (t1++t2) z.

Reflexive-transitive closure of a stepping relation R, defined using a more handy induction principle.
Inductive run_right {A E: Type} (R : A -> list E -> A -> Prop) (x : A) : list E -> A -> Prop :=
| run_right_refl : run_right R x nil x
| run_right_step : forall t1 t2 y z,
    forall (STEP: R x t1 y)
           (RUN : run_right R y t2 z),
      run_right R x (t1 ++ t2) z.

We prove that both predicate of run and run_right coincide.

Lemma run_right_run : forall A E (R: A -> list E -> A -> Prop) x t y,
    run_right R x t y ->
    run R x t y.
  induction 1 ; intros.
  - apply run_refl.
  - econstructor 3; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.

Lemma run_right_concat : forall A E (R: A -> list E -> A -> Prop) x t1 y,
    run_right R x t1 y ->
    forall z t2, run_right R y t2 z -> run_right R x (t1++t2) z.
  induction 1; intros.
  - simpl; auto.
  - eapply IHrun_right in H0; eauto.
    rewrite <- app_assoc.
    econstructor 2 ; eauto.

Lemma run_run_right : forall A E (R: A -> list E -> A -> Prop) x t y,
    run R x t y ->
    run_right R x t y.
  induction 1 ; intros.
  - replace t with (t ++ []) by apply app_nil_r.
    eapply run_right_step; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
  - inv IHrun1.
    + simpl. auto.
    + rewrite <- app_assoc.
      econstructor 2; eauto.
      eapply run_right_concat with (y:= y); eauto.