Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Relations.

Require Import util.
Require Import specification.
Require Import plf.
Require Import PLFO.
Require Import PL.
Require Import PLO.

Require Import PLF_PLFO.
Require Import PLFO_PL.
Require Import PL_PLO.
Require Import PLO_SPEC.

Final correctness result

Definition of the subtrace relation, by sequential composition of the subtrace_chk and subtrace_log relations.
Definition subtrace (te: PLF.trace) (to: SPEC.trace) : Prop :=
  exists ti bchkpt blog,
    subtrace_chk bchkpt te ti
    /\ subtrace_log blog ti to.

The unicity property of the subtrace relation derives from the unicity properties of the subtrace_log and subtrace_chk relations.
Lemma subtrace_unicity : forall te to to',
    subtrace te to ->
    subtrace te to' ->
    to = to'.
  unfold subtrace.
  destruct H as [ti [bc [bl [Hsub_chkpt Hsub_log]]]].
  destruct H0 as [ti' [bc' [bl' [Hsub_chkpt' Hsub_log']]]].
  assert (bc' = bc /\ ti' = ti) by eauto using subtrace_chk_unique.
  intuition subst.
  assert (bl' = bl /\ to' = to) by eauto using subtrace_log_unique.
  intuition subst.

Basic transitivity result about the subtrace relation
Lemma subtrace_trans : forall (te: PLF.trace)(ti: PLFO.trace),
    forall bchkpt blog, subtrace_chk bchkpt te ti ->
    forall (to: SPEC.trace),
    subtrace_log blog ti to ->
    subtrace te to.
  exists ti.
  exists bchkpt.
  exists blog.
  split; auto.

Final correctness result of the checkpointing model. Trace inclusion, modulo the subtrace relation.
Theorem correctness_final : forall t,
    PLF.sem t ->
    exists t', SPEC.sem t' /\ subtrace t t'.
  eapply checkpoint_validity in H as [o [t' [Hsem [b1 Hsub]]]]; eauto.
  apply PLFO_PL.checkpointing_correctness in Hsem.
  apply logging_validity in Hsem as [os [ts [Hsem [b2 Hsubsyt]]]]; eauto.
  apply PLO_SPEC.logging_correctness in Hsem.
  exists ts. split; auto.
  eapply subtrace_trans; eauto.